Sunday, May 31, 2009

I went camping with Hilari's ward on Friday and Saturday. Her boys built their very own fire. They gathered the wood and twindling all by themselves and even built the fire circle by gathering together rocks! It was cold (freezing at night) and wonderful!!! When we drove back and got into the valley, it was hot again. Needless to say, we are now planning our next camping trip!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I want to win this Madsen bike!

I'm trying to win this Madson bike! Click on the Madsen button on the left to try to win too!

Congratulations Graduate!

Yeah for our son-in-law Preston who graduated from ASU. He was excepted into several law schools and chose BYU where He will start in the fall. We are also extremely proud of our daughter Devan who has supported him throughout his schooling. She will miss managing PrimaDivas but this move will be a great adventure for their family.

(I guess I will be doing a LOT more traveling to Utah for the next three years!)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Camping at the Beach!

Conway enjoying his year the sand!
the Mermen...and what vacation is complete without a trip to the emergency room for stitches!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Well, for a long time now, my family has complained about my comfortable, all I wear when I am home- "house dress". I have looked at every store trying to find more fashionable attire to strut my stuff in and everything is made for 80 year old grandmothers. (I did find a leopard print caftan, but it's too hot for the summer). ANYWAY, I got to thinking..."SCRUBS"!!!! I would not have to even change to go to the store because people would think that I was just coming home from work AND that I was probably SMART! So two of my daughters bought me some Scrubs for Mother's Day. I can't wait to try them out!

Now all I need are some white tennis shoes!