Thursday, October 11, 2007

The rest of Dracula's Bathroom...

On the shelf sit the glasses Dracula uses when the sun is too bright and all the many prescriptions He needs to keep it going. I saved vitamin bottles and other small containers and made little labels to replace the original labels. I tried to write clever things on them using the names of family members as the Doctors and the patients. I am good at the visual, not so great at the words,(as you can tell) but I did get really good ideas from Martha Stewart's magazines.
I then printed the scull on the mirror onto a "window cling" plastic from HP, cut out the image and placed it on the mirror the same height as the average person's face would be. Spooky! especially when it is unexpected.
Tomorrow, the kitchen!

1 comment:

  1. love it, these pictures just do not do this bathroom justice! it is amazingly awsome.
