Saturday, January 19, 2008

Friday Night Out with my Daughter Kelli...

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  1. So ... you SAW Lou Diamond Phillips as King Arthur? I will just say that certain people in my household scoffed at that particular notion ... even though I was OBSESSED with the Richard Harris version in high school.

    Hope it was wonderful.

  2. Looks like you girls had a lot of fun!

  3. glad to see that the wendy's employees are trained not only in creating great square patties but in taking a great snap shot!

  4. You chumps had to pay to see Lou Diamond Phillips? I would have just let you come over and see my own Lou Diamond in the Rough. You know cause Presto Jones has an uncanny(sp?)resemblance to La Bamba.

  5. That night was so much fun!! Even though the play was blah, it was still cool to see Lou Diamond Phillips. Thanks for the fun night out mom!
