Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I'm sewing a quilt...

Well, I finally have something to blog about. My daughter Chelsea is expecting her baby girl in a few weeks. She went online and bought this cute fabric. I helped her make curtains, my Mom made the crib bumper pad and now I am making this quilt. I did such a messy job that I am sewing "dingle balls" on BOTH side of the quilt to hide the stitching. But boy is it darling! I LOVE THOSE DINGLE BALLS ! I would put them on anything and everything if it were "socially acceptable".

So, I haven't blogged in over a week. I have been really busy,but nothing seems "blog worthy". What have I been doing all these past days...All I can think of is that I have been organizing and cleaning. Being organized makes an even bigger mess and then all of a sudden, everything has a place and it's nice again. But doing this work, leaves little to blog about. It's so fun to make something again! I can't go through too many days without creating a little something. Why is it so hard to keep sane!?


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

  2. looks darling, i can't wait to see her room in person.

  3. I have vowed never to sew on "Minkie" for fear of loosing my sanity. However, I had not previously been aware of the "dingle-ball" solution, so maybe there is hope yet.

    The quilt is absolutely darling. I am just hoping for an official unveiling this weekend.

  4. Dingle balls are awesome!!! That quilt is so darling!!

  5. I love Dingle Balls Too!

  6. i just like to say dingle balls. it opens a whole new world of making fun of people, don't you think?

    p.s. quilt is fabulous!

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  8. that quilt is so cute! guy, i love that fabric. you girls have great taste!
