Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Robots for the making.

This in one of the "Robots" I'm making for the decorations and background for "photo shoots" for my baby girl's birthday party this Saturday. The head is the globe we use at Halloween for the fortune teller. the "feet" is the packaging for some "baby bottle nipples" that were on clearance for 25 cents . I used one nipple for the "eye" on the globe. I went to the $1 store for everything. The back of the robot is also packaging from a toy gun that I sprayed silver for my husband's costume. (I'll show you when I get that part done). Devan planned the Space Age themed party. It's her 22nd birthday, and there are no signs of limiting the birthday party experience for this girl yet. (I just don't know where she gets it.) She asked if she could have the party at my house, so naturally, ideas for decorating ideas stormed in my head.

Sometimes, the creative process is a blessing and a curse to me, as once I get some inspiration, I can not stop thinking about the possibilities to make the event, object, whatever out of my mind. I loose sleep and the only thing that gets those creative waves out of my mind so that it can rest is the old "Andy Griffith" shows (in black and white only, please, when the show went to color, the magic was gone).... ANYWAY, as I work on "whatever", the closer I get to the finish line, I have to start editing because of cost, time, etc. and it is always a little disappointing for me that the full vision did not really come through.

Although, the real enjoyment is in the process... (The brain turning over and over in trying to find a solution to a problem, or one thought leading to another, turning into a fabulous idea that wouldn't have ever come out at the onset in the creative process.) Sometimes I think it would be nice to be "normal" - no need for all this energy taken away from..Oh reading a good book, or cleaning the house, or very important...exercise.

So, I am constantly in search of keeping BALANCE in my life, tee tottering between what makes me blissful and what needs to be accomplished (general living stuff). And in the end, the two sides of living ARE where real JOY sets in. I am never truly happy when I only "make stuff", I need to keep things organized, clean and allow my brain to acquire the wonderful knowledge that one finds in all those great books that are available. And when I exercise, I feel better about myself as I feel like I am somewhat self disciplined. In the end, Life is good.



    Thanks for helping meeeee :)

  2. Mr. Roboto is off the v e r y i n t e r e s t i n g ...(ya know robot speak)

  3. Mr. Roboto is off the v e r y i n t e r e s t i n g ...(ya know robot speak)

  4. I only hope her cake will be as cool

  5. I am guessing my brain is just lazy, but honestly ... it is just not holding it's own.


  6. i likesa your robot.

    i've been trying to channel your creativity today as i ready my enrichment decorations for tomorrow. unfortunately, channeling you is not the same as being you ... but one can dream.

    wish i could make it to the par-tay!

  7. i love mr. robot. i've always wanted a brother.

    yes mother, your brain works in fabulous and pretty wierd ways.

  8. That is really cool!!

  9. What an awesome party it will be! We are celebrating my 30th this Saturday (actual day Sunday boring day for a birthday!) but I know it will be no where near the party that you will all throw! Missing those great Smith family parties!
