Sunday, April 20, 2008

Show and Tell Sundays. BLING!

I only had time to get out a few pieces of my Grandma Bochman's jewelry that I inherited. I wear the broaches all the time and sometimes the earrings. But, boy do the earings hurt after an hour! The really cool thing is that I have some photos of my Grandma wearing the jewelry!!! I borrowed all these great photos from my Aunt and scanned them for my own records. It was fun getting to know my grandparents before I was born, and recognizing the jewelry that I now owned was like winning the lottery for me. I treasure these wonderful bling pieces even more now. Here is a photo of my Grandfather and Grandmother Bochman. I have been making pages for my family history books with the scanned photos of the jewelry along with the photos. This is just a portion of that page.

And then to my surprise, my husband gave me this FABULOUS belt this weekend for my birthday. The buckle is made from vintage jewelry. I love it!!!!!!


  1. that belt is uhhh-maze-ing!!!

  2. I just wanna know how your husband managed to pick that out. Did your daughters help, or is he just that good?

  3. First off...give that man an award for getting you that belt, woohoo!!!!! lucky you! Happy birthday. How wonderful to have 9 (almost 10) grandchildren! How special! Looks like there was a haul at the flea market. So glad you stopped by my blog. I'm add ya!
    PS: love your blog name!
