Monday, May 19, 2008

A Belated Mother's Day Card from my BabyGirl

Yesterday, my daughter Devan gave me this wonderful card that she made for me.
Nothing means more to me than those handmade cards and notes that I have gotten thru the years from my girls, and now my grandchildren. When I think of the notes of encouragement from friends and family that have lifted me up and made me feel loved over the years that I have saved reminds me that I need to do the same for others more often.
And don't you find that even a short sentence in a comment for your blog can do the same thing? Yeah for Words, their power is great.
Can't forget the BLING! Thank you Devan!!! XOXO


  1. devz is so darling! i love that book and second all the thoughts. you are a great mom who has made some great daughters.

  2. Devz is as talented as she is cute and sassy!You my fair Mommie Dearest are a peach and every day should be Mothers Day for you!

  3. i am thinking that both you and the devz are pretty great examples to me.

  4. Too cute. I have a box of cards and letters that I just can't part with. It gets bigger all the time. I love words too!

  5. How thoughtful!! I actually think cake is best at anytime of the day, even before 9 a.m.!

  6. ahh thanks mom. i love you
    the devzzzz
