Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Family Tree Wall Mural...

Well my Family Tree Wall Mural is going to take longer to finish than I thought. What was I thinking?!!~! Anyway, I have many more photos to collect and to re size and print. Oh, I did choose the Sepia toned prints. I also decided to add more color in the frames as It all was getting a bit boring with just the ivory colored frames.
Here is what I have so far... The neatest thing are the "frame vinyl stickers that I bought at IKEA . I was helping my daughter who lives in Maricopa with an Activity Days class and IKEA is on the way home. I had stopped to find some more small frames. I liked the idea of being able to hang the 3-D frames slightly over the vinyl ones. I sort of looks like an over sized scrapbook page don't you think?
These are the stickers... $14,99 for four sheets. You can really make a nice combination with them.


  1. Looks wayyy cooler than the tree I painted- teach me your tricks my omnipotent art guru!!!

  2. It looks amazing. I think your girls need to get busy making some more babies to fill up the branches. :) Just kidding... I know, Brooke's branch is pretty full. And Kelli's still cooking one.... and Carma was just born. It is so awesome.

  3. Oh my gosh I am SO impressed!! What a neat idea! Looks great!

  4. It's so beautiful! I love it! I can't wait to see it in person.

  5. i love it mom. just looking at that tree reminds me what a special family we really do have.

  6. Kelly the tree is amazing. You are hands down the most talented and creative person I know!!!

  7. This is amazing. What talent. Thanks for sharing such an inspiring idea.

  8. that is a beautiful wall! i love the green color, the frames, the pictures, and of course that gorgeous tree.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. That is the coolest thing I have ever seen! The tree is beautiful as can be. And the frames are so lovely. Love your blog and I will be back.

  11. I was surfing google for family tree murals, and I can already say that I doubt my search will find me anything more beautiful than yours. Your tree took my breath away!
