Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Wedding Family Tree Scrapbook page...

So I made this page the other day and tried to use only one graphics kit so that I could remember it in acknowledging the designer. Well, I lost that note that said where it was! Anyway I will find it and make sure that I do not forget next time.

When I googled "family tree murals" last month when I painted the tree on my bedroom wall, this fun vintage comic "family tree" came up. I loved it and had to share it. I am coming to LOVE the process of "Googling" mostly, you can tell if it's not good to click on a site or not, and I have not come up with anything naughty yet. (Knock on wood)
Yeah for FAMILIES!!!!!!!!!


  1. These family trees you're doing are great! I've been collecting frames for a while in hopes to make a collage of ancestors on our wall. I found the cutest frame at an antique store in Glendale. Keep up the amazing work!

  2. I love to see pics of the whole fam in their wedding duds! what a great page!

  3. New to you blog - just had to say I love the layout of the family tree - a great idea! Thanks
