Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Pink Tools...

I needed to hang a painting up, so I got out my tools, smiled at the pink, and then thought that I'd share the lovelies with my friends out in bloggerland. Don't they make you smile too?

(all I need now is the pink contruction hat that my husband is supposed to get me. hint, hint)


  1. Holy cow...Kelley gets her OWN tools, and to top it off, in pink?! Your style has no limits. It is so you. :)
    I wonder if Jason would go for something like that?

  2. i need some more pink wonder in my life too!

  3. Kelly, I love the color of yellow wall behind your organized scrapbook center. If you remember the color I would love to paint my bedroom that shade. Shout it out on my email. thanks Jody

  4. love the idea of the tools all in pink - maybe then my husband will stop using mine and misplacing them! wink...
