Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Cards thru the Years...

I thought I'd share a sampling of our family Christmas cards thru the years. I didn't save our first cards, we probably didn't send any out those first years as we were so poor (like all young couples first starting out). I started individualizing the first cards with little drawings and it all went from there...

This "Star Trek" card is one of my favorites. I copied a family photo and "whited out" some detail and drew over the photo to make it look like we were characters from the show. Back before PC's I used a lot of White Out and clipped and glued everything together. I sort of lived at those copy stores back then.

Now again for this year, I am trying to think of something "clever" for our family Christmas card. I have a "Love/Hate" relationship with this tradition of ours to make the yearly cards because it is really hard to think sometimes!

I'll show you our 2008 card soon...I hope!


  1. No pressure (though it is the highlight of my Christmas season).

  2. Thanks for the memories. Now get on that card ... stat!

    But, no pressure.

  3. I love our trsdition but coming up with a theme is sometimes tricky What if it said "Christmas only comes around once in a blue moon so make it good one" and have the WHOLE fam mooning the camera? Genius right?

  4. Hilarious! Thanks for sharing. I'm always amazed at your creativity. Or the lengths you'll go to for creativity!

  5. I have always loved our cards too, but it makes me nervous about what I will do for my cards!

  6. I'm impressed as always!

    LOVE the star trek one.

  7. good luck with that!!
    pix of your decorations too please!!

  8. I like Brooke's idea!!

    I think we should send a Happy Hanukkah card. That would really throw people for a loop!

  9. Seriously the BEST cards EVER!! What a great idea. You know you can never stop that tradition, it's just too cool!!

  10. I love the diversity. The plain jane's can get so boring after awhile.

  11. Love the gangstas of 2005. Especially the "surprise" eyebrows.

  12. Oh my gosh Kelley those are GREAT!!!
