Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Stockings

About 10 years ago, I made all new Christmas Stockings for the family. I had seen these fabulous cowboy boot stockings made out of leather in a magazine, but they were $30 a piece at the time and so I made my own pattern and made these felt stockings. This year we have added two new family members - Carma and Daisy (shoot!!!! I just realized I spelt Daisy wrong!!!!) ugh.... and Conway is due in February. When I was putting all the stockings up (a grand total of 23) I also realized I never made Sloan's (she was just a new born last Christmas). So back to the sewing machine and I'll show you a photo of them all up when I get done.


  1. Oh what a big accomplishment. They look mighty handsome mam.

  2. Just ask Daisy to legally change her name to Daisey. I mean, she's young.

    Love the stockings - and canNOT believe your family of 7 is now a family of 23.

  3. The stockings are awesome mom! I am glad that you noticed the Daisy's name was wrong! haha

  4. Not to be a thorn in your side, but mine has a hole in the bottom and I think I've only been getting half my stuff from Santa.


  5. ughh! Why are you the BEST mom eva?
