Thursday, December 18, 2008

This is my "Kitchen Santa" collection. The middle Santa is from my childhood. My Dad managed an AJ Bayless store and He got to keep this velvet CokaCola Santa. I have also collected vintage Santa mugs for a while. I only displayed a few this year. I just haven't gotten into the "real" decorating mood. I just cringe thinking about putting it all away, weird state of mind I know. Maybe it's just a weird time right now with the economy and all. Do any of you feel this way , just this year, for some reason?


  1. Yeah, Christmas does seem a little anti-climatic this year. I don't know what it is. Probably the economy, though I like to pretend we'll all be fine. (Even though the cover story on MSNBC was "Prepare to lose your job." Ugh, yikes?)

    Your Santas did get me in the mood a bit, though. Can't wait to see you next week!

  2. This year I have been particularly aware of the "putting back" part even before I have gotten to the "putting up" part.

    Who knows how I'll feel, once I actually start the "putting up". In the meantime I'm feeling the retro vibes from your Kitchen Santas and enjoying every minute.

  3. I haven't put up one single decoration! I have felt very Blah in the decorating category. I am going to put some up today so at least I can have some festive pictures of Daisy's first Christmas!

  4. I didn't put up my nativity set this year. And it's my favorite decoration. I only got out one small box of ornaments for the kids to put on the tree. When I thought of getting out more I just wondered how much of it would get broken. Even though I don't think my husband's job is in jeopardy, I think the economy has me in a funk. It's really depressing when your friends are losing their jobs or afraid they will soon.
