Monday, April 6, 2009

On Being Tagged and Catching Up...

Oh GREAT!!! I usually ignore being tagged, but when your firstborn does it...... Here it goes
-a few things about myself-

1. I have been MIA from my blog because (in a nutshell) in January and February I have been in the dumps (not the occasional dumpster diving, but the kind of dump where tears come from). This was all due to sleep deprivation mixed with "old lady hormone imbalance". My prayers were answered by our family doctor's love and concern and amazing talent for diagnoses. I also had to give up teaching a VERY early morning Seminary class. I miss my kids, but not waking up at 4:30 AM Monday thru Friday. Then, Horrors of Horrors, At the first of March, my Mom called in the morning after finding my sister unconscious. My Mom and I lived at the Hospital waiting and praying that Melanie would make it. (She apparently had double pneumonia that went systemic and was given a 20-40% chance of making it) Well, my sister has many people that love her and the power of prayer was made manifest. After 2 1/2 weeks in the hospital, another week in rehab learning how to walk again, She is now home and on the mend. Then last week, my youngest daughter and her husband and new baby moved into our house for the summer until they move to Utah to finish a law degree. I have been loving having them here, and it is so nice to sit and rock that baby. Onto a few things about me....

2. My greatest love/hate relationship is with ICE CREAM and I am now fighting it's siren call as I try to lose the unwanted poundage that I have gained over the last year from the stupid "old lady hormone crap"

3. On a more positive note, I LOVE any old movie in black and white with tap dancing, all things Jane Austen, and a disaster movie now and then. (weird, I know...)

4. I LOVE old stuff. I like to think about the stories a vintage bowl or an antique chair could tell about the people who have owned them.

5. I LOVE the fact that I am never too old to learn. I enjoy collecting quotes that help me to try to be the person I would like to be and that encourage me when I feel inadequate.

6. and words can not express how much I LOVE my family! I lucked out by marrying a really GOOD guy. We both lucked out when we had our 5 delightful, funny and NICE daughters who have in turn, married GOOD guys. And nothing compares to being Glamma to our FABULOUS glamchildren who will sit on my lap even when they think they are too old to do it.

....I have shared nothing really new about myself as I am hopelessly an open book. My family claims that I share way too much information with strangers and will talk to who ever is by me in line at the store........

I will now tag my daughters Hilari, Kelli and Devan so that they too may update their blogs!


  1. Sorry about the dumps and other associated junk, but I'm glad you are feeling better. I'd say have a bowl of ice cream to celebrate, but I, too, need to find a new hobby besides eating. At least you have art to distract you. (I've managed to figure out how to type and eat.)

    Love you!

  2. I have miised visiting with you. You are amazing and such a great example. Hope to see ya at the next enrichment planning meeting!

  3. Finally!! Since I tagged Brooke and she tagged you, I am going take the personal responsibility and glory for your return. So ... we get to blame "hormone crap" for weight gain. That's a whole lot of blame from my end (no pun intended ... really.)

    Wow, I have missed you. Stay back.

  4. Here's to better days while also in the midst of loving family from another fighting the bulge and hormones.

  5. I had lost you for awhile, and am so glad that you visited me, so I could return. I'm so sorry that you have been going through some difficult times. Hormone stuff is hateful. I'm also sorry you had to adjust your teaching schedule. I hope you continue to feel better. Keep rocking that baby and so glad to hear your sister is on the mend. You never think of anything like that happening with pneumonia.

  6. Dear MIA- I was so happy to see that you are back in action. You have no idea how much I love and appreciate you. Mom

  7. oh no, i guess i too need to update the ol' bloggy blog. love you and ice cream too. it's genetic.
