Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cruz's Third Birthday

A couple of weeks ago we celebrated my Glamson Cruz's third birthday party with a ride on the Phoenix Light Rail. Cruz just loves Trains so he was in heaven. We started at the beginning at 19th Ave. and Bethany Home Road and got off on Main Street in Tempe. There we walked to MoJo ice cream where the we all got to "serve ourselves". The smallest bowl was big, and you paid by the pound. It was delicious and fun. I gave Cruz a bag of $$$ so that he could pick out his own present. His Mom told me they bought him some new shoes! Happy Birthday my cute boy!!!!!


  1. thanks for putting these pictures up of my little cruzer. you are a lovely glamma and he was so stoked for his bag full of money!

  2. Happy Birthday to Cruz! We had our own light rail "party" a few months ago where we follow that same route.

    No bags of money were involved however.
