Monday, July 20, 2009

Beach Vacation

Last week we camped at Point Mugu in Malibu, CA. It was so nice. The weather was fabulous. This day on the beach it got really windy toward the end of the day. The kids could almost fly with their beach towel wings!
Cruz got out of the sun and shared some shade with me.

We took a nature hike one morning up the mountains surrounding our camp ground. You can see the wooded camping area and the ocean in the background. The nights were really cold. It was wonderful, especially compared to our hot AZ summer evenings.

We rented bicycles and rode to Venice Beach. The Glamkids got a education about street entertainers and the homeless. LOTS of questions needless to say had to be answered...
We met up with the Giffins in LA and ate at the famous PINKS hot dog establishment. I had the "Martha Stewart" dog. It was delicious! (and worth the one hour wait.)

We then went to the La Brea Tar Pits. The museum was fascinating and we got to see an actual archaeological dig in the tar pits.
We are now home again, but tonight we got our first monsoon rain. Yeah for that!

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could've been there! :( But it looks like you guys had lots of fun!!
