Friday, August 28, 2009

A Tribute to Cory Jenkins

Two days ago my daughter Chelsea's husband's brother was killed in Afghanistan. His name was Cory Jenkins. He left a wife and new born baby girl. Cory served as a Physicians Assistant. He was a man of Honor and Integrity in his personal life as well as in the career he had chosen. We will miss him very much.
My daughter's in-laws' neighbors have also honored Cory with displaying American Flags throughout the neighborhood. This is the link to see a story about his community where he grew up:
I pray that his death was not in vain and that Afghanistan will someday be a place of freedom...


  1. We saw that very story on the news last night and were very touched and saddened. It was doubly sad to see that the sorrow hit Chelsea's family so closely. Our prayers are with them.

  2. So devastating, but that story was very sweet. I'm glad people are supporting the Jenkins right now. Our prayers are with them.

  3. I too saw the news story and was touched by the neighborhood support. My condolences to her family. That is truly a tragedy.

  4. I'm sorry to hear of there loss. God bless these people over there.
