Thursday, September 3, 2009

My 12th Glamchild!

Well, after 38 hours of labor, my daughter Chelsea had to undergo a C-section to be able to deliver her baby. Luckily, She knew the anesthesiologist very well, and with his permission and the doctors, both her husband Dusty and I got to go into surgery with her! (here we are with her midwife: The Fabulous Janice ((Janice has delivered 5 of my glamchildren!)) All I can say is WOW!!!! I didn't watch the incision, but looked at the rest of the procedure. It was really interesting!
And here is the proud Daddy with baby Pearl Cory Jenkins! She was born Monday, August 31st. She was 21 and a quarter inches long and weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. Underneath that cap is a head full of dark brown hair. Both Mother and baby are doing fine. Yeah!


  1. Congratulations! What a cute name and lovely tribute to her uncle. Poor thing to be in labor for so long and then have a c-section. But I'm so happy the baby is healthy! Hooray for #12.

  2. Thats wonderful sorry she had such a long labor(with both babies), I am glad you posted pics the fire dept family is glad to see her sweet face. Congratulations
    julie ray
    (Aaron Rays wife)

  3. Yeah ... you have a dozen! Congratulations to you and to Chelsea and to Dusty ... and to little Pearl. She is clearly a gutsy girl who was going to make it here, one way or the other!

  4. Pearl, what a cute name! I love it! Congrats to everyone! :)

  5. look great in a scrub get-up.

  6. scrubs really do make you look smart, yet also so comfortable!
