Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Great Grandmother Erwin's Sewing Mashine.

I am the lucky holder of both of my Great Grandmothers sewing machines. My G.Grandma Erwin's is the nightstand on my husbands side of the bed. When you open the cabinet doors, there are two drawers. One of the drawers houses the buttons that my G.Grandmother saved through the years. I loved to look at them every once in a while. So when we were making the Valentines button bracelets, I thought what better way to look at them more often as a bracelet and ring.
Below is the fab. bracelet. I used one and a half inch wide black elastic, and sewed each button in place. It looks great on my arm (but better on a fake hand for a photo...) I also made rings for each of my daughters and niece to enjoy. I just love thinking about my ancestors and am so glad that we still have some of their things.

I guess it makes me feel safe somehow...knowing a little about my roots and having a few of their "things" around.

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