Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

Yesterday morning, when we went out to watch Daisy find Easter eggs, I had a second to really enjoy the beautiful flowers in the my front yard.

We have some really wonderful rosebushes. They grow and grow and I do nothing...

Here's Daisy running to find the eggs. She opened each one as she found it. She was darling, but it seemed to take her an hour to find 12 eggs!
We watched Conference then went over to my Mother-in-law's for Easter Dinner. There were about 30 kids age 10 and under, and a ton of Adults (along with a smattering of preteens and teenagers. You don't actually SEE them, but they are there...) Hope you all had a Wonderful Easter!

1 comment:

  1. I cam over from barefoot in the kitchen. Your flowers are just beautiful! Thank you for posting them.
