Monday, May 10, 2010

An Outfit for Carma

I bought this little purple top for Carma on clearance for $2. I cut the top in half, added the pink band and pocket, then made a casing for the elastic at the bottom. This is Carma "posing" in her new outfit for me.
When I measured Carma's cute little body last week, I wrote all my measurements on a notepad sheet. I realized that I wanted a more efficient way to record all my glamchildren's measurements and sewing projects. So I drew a front and back of a "unisex" child's body, scanned it and put together this chart to keep in a three ring binder. (below you can see my scribbled notes next to the charts I made.)

Then I thought it would be fun to have a design page...

and a "journal" page to place a photograph of the finished garment.

And then I remembered all the cute little bootie patterns I have, so I thought it would be nice to have a page to record the kids hand and foot outlines.
I think it will be fun in 10 years to look back at the sewing projects I have made, and maybe my future great grandchildren will laugh at the "out of date" or "retro" fabric I am using today. If you think you can use these project sheets, please enjoy. Otherwise, you can join the rest of my family in thinking I went a little tooo far...again. Oh well, I enjoyed myself. Happy Sewing!


  1. She is adorable! I love all the ruffles.

  2. This makes me wish I had had more girls. They are so much more fun to sew for. Not too many things you can sew for boys.
