Friday, August 27, 2010

Conway's STRANGE Love for Hats.

Ever since he could have motor control of his hands, Conway tries on anything with a convex shape on his head. His favorite toy/hat has been this coolwhip bowl for a year now. (Devan SWEARS that she did not buy the coolwhip, that someone brought over a leftover in it. I happen to love coolwhip, but my girls tell me it is not even in a food group so I should not eat it. What they don't know won't hurt them!) Anyway, while I was in Utah for the umpteenth time, I decided to give Conway a bigger selection of head gear. Like shoes, one can never have enough options. I thought the milk carton was fabulous, but he didn't...
Conway liked the cereal box a little more, but that little man is passionate about his ol' faithful coolwhip carton.
Last week, while I was visiting, you could tell having that bowl on his head made him feel safe and back at home in his apartment. It is a bit snug now. It looks like I need to make a Costco run and buy a "mass quantity" size Coolwhip for that sweet boy!


  1. What an adorable little comfort item.I can honestly say that you have some of the cutest grandkids on the world!

  2. I love, love, love Cool Whip and make no pretense whatsoever about keeping that a secret. I am thinking quite seriously about the bowl-on-head-for-comfort idea, I'm not gonna lie.

  3. I LOVe seeing Conway riding around Wymount in his stroller with his cool whip hat! SO cute!
