Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bragging Rights: "Into the Woods"

As some of you know, our daughter Chelsea has done a bit of performing in the musical arts. She graduated from ASU while filling out her graduation gown with her first baby due not too long after. She starred as "Evita" with the Flagstaff Light Opera company, performed with a Sedona Theater troop and while she was little, was in numerous plays with the Valley Youth Theater and other local youth theater groups. (I can't even begin to tell you how many sets I have helped paint, costumes sewed, and tickets bought with 5 daughters who like the thrill of being "on stage". I don't know where they got that from! ha-ha) ANYWAY, last night was the opening night of "Into the Woods" performed by the Maricopa Community Theater. This is only the second play done by the new theater group. The budget is small, but the talent is not. Needless to say, Chelsea was AMAZING. (I know, I am her mother, but you should see for yourself!)
And just as sweet, was the company of our oldest and dearest friends who have willingly and lovingly supported our family by enduring countless choir shows, softball games, etc. AND saying that they loved being there. I should not forget my Mom, who I don't think missed a choir, band or sport performance as well, in the past 50+ years from my own childhood to my children's and glamchildren's activities.

I LOVE the fact that my girls still enjoy one an other's company... and I am "TAKING ONE FOR THE TEAM" in the photo below. (I usually pick the picture that I look best in, but it is getting harder and harder to do. Oh well. stupid getting old business...)
We love you Chelsea! And we are so proud of your guts to put yourself out there, and we are doubly proud to watch you use this incredible talent you have been blessed with for good. XO


  1. You look BEAUTIFUL! Congrats to your daughter. That is really cool she is keeping her talents and sharing them! :-) Love your family, they all look so happy and your grandchildren are all super cute!

    - Leslie Collins-Hatch

  2. Seriously, your worst picture is still better than my best picture!

    Everyone looked great! Good job, Chelsea!
