Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Chum Chum" a Paper Mache Halloween Pumpkin

"Chum Chum" got his name by my glamson Slade. In fact Slade named most of my paper mache pumpkins. He helped me by recorded them on a piece of notebook paper while I photographed and measured them. I would ask him what he thought, and he would seriously ponder each pumpkin's personality and individuality. I was wondering about this one and "Chum Chum" came right out of Slade's mouth. I looked at the pumpkin, then I looked at Slade, then back to the pumpkin. "PERFECT!" I said, and Slade just beamed.
"Chum Chum" is a chubby 10 inches tall and 9 1/2 inches wide. He is $65 plus shipping. He comes with a custom base and battery led tea light. If you think that "Chum Chum" would fit in with your family, email me at .

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