Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Fregley" a Paper Mache Halloween Pumpkin

"Fregley" is "Steven's" brother and measures in at 9 inches tall and 10 inches wide. He is that annoying, misunderstood kid that eats his boogers. (boy, doe's that B word make me cringe even thinking about it!) "Fregley" has the delighted expression of thinking everything is exciting and wonderful, even if it is "un-cool" to show it.
"Fregley" is $65 plus shipping. If you think that "Fregley" can get along with the rest of kids in your family, email me at and I will hurry him along the way to your home. "Fregley" comes with a custom base and battery led tea light.
SOLD! Thank you!

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