Thursday, September 30, 2010

Miss Maricopa Pageant Props

My daughter Chelsea and a couple friends decided that it would be fun to have a children's beauty pageant. So they went to the city of Maricopa and pitched the idea. The city liked it, so Maricopa is having their very first beauty pageant this Saturday for the teen age girls and next Saturday a "mini" pageant for toddlers (of course my Glamdaughter Carma will be participating). The budget is small so the Grandmas were enlisted. Yesterday I made this crown and lettering from foam core. It is 8 ft. wide and 4 ft. tall. I googled "diamond images" and printed the gems onto photo paper. Then I glazed a few different glitter glues on top and painted the "sparkles". My back is totally killing me from crouching down on the kitchen floor all day. But it was fun to create. During that time, my daughter Kelli sat at the kitchen counter and made all these pink tissue balls for a baby shower that we are having for my niece tomorrow night. Aren't they beautiful?


  1. Good luck little Carma. I just know she'll have the best hair of the whole bunch!

  2. WOW! I saw that picture on facebook and had no idea how big it was until I read this! Your girls know how lucky they are, right?
