Monday, October 25, 2010

Cruising for Murder...

Most of you know that I love to throw a party, but I LOVE going to one even more! This last weekend, we had the privilege of going on short cruiseThe evening started with a lovely "The Captain's Cocktail Reception" followed by a delicious Mexican Meal.
I was employed as a humble cocktail waitress with stars in her eyes. Stars for Broadway that is, and I took every chance to sing every Show tune that I could remember so that I could get the "attention" of the Captain and the Entertainment Column Journalist. Since I was "busy serving", I did not have time to get photos of everyone, but I'm sure that they will pop up. Here are a few of the quests on the cruise ship.

The "Towel Boy" sure got around... The Captain, whom my heart belonged to.
Our hosts, celebrating their wedding anniversary, but the groom seemed preoccupied with the Show Girl "Candy Cam" whose job I wanted!
Best Costume went to this Hunk! (the girls on the ship could not take their eyes off of his muscular physic.) (He also seemed to like that Show Girl for some reason.)
and yes, I did receive the "Best Actor" award. But really, my good friends know that was no act! ha-ha
The Cruise director's "better half" won "A MILLION DOLLARS" (real shredded ones) for accumulating the most $$$ for the evening.
Who would have guessed that this lovely "sweet" passenger with a culinary background would have been the brutal murderer?
And finally, the murdered showgirl, and her job was mine! Thank you Tanners for a Great Evening!


  1. Oh my gosh...your edits on the pictures had me cracking up. Melissa's was PERFECT!!!!!!
    I may snag a couple if you don't mind...and I will put pics up on my blog today so you'll have a picture of every couple.
    Thanks again for wouldn't be the same without you.
    Loves XOXO

  2. LOL!!!! This was too fun!! You were the star of the night!!

    I love the photo editing. We were a wacky bunch of cruisers!!

  3. Thanks for posting.. we are about to have a holiday party using the same mystery.. any hints for us... how to make it better?
