Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Paper Mache "Elvis"

I have been all about paper mache recently. Here is my "Elvis". I started with a $1 store plastic skull and empty Almond Roca tin. I added paper mache pulp to make the skull's face more interesting.
Then I covered the whole thing with plaster qause strips. (I bought a bunch on clearance two years ago. There were dead crickets inside the boxes. It was sooooo gross!) but the plaster strips were still good.

After I let the initial plaster strips dry, I added more paper mache pulp and plaster strips for the collar and jacket. I had a cheap necklace that I glued on and a belt buckle that I recently cut off a skirt.
After DAYS of drying between each layer of paper mache pulp, I then covered the whole thing with more strips of newspaper and glue.
When I thought I needed to finally finish this project, I completely covered "Elvis" with black acrylic paint. Then I dry brushed multiple layers of browns, greys and metallic paint to highlight the various textures of the piece.

Paper Mache is cheap to make, but takes HOURS of dry time in between each layer. And it is amazing how hard and heavy the completed object ends up being. Fun Stuff. (side note: I finally found where to listen to conference talks on the computer while I'm working on stuff in the kitchen. So now, I don't feel guilty anymore "waisting" my time with all this crafty fun goodness! yeah!)


  1. I love it! What a handsome fella!

  2. THAT is hysterical! You are such an artiste! Brava!

    P.S. I was wondering what the connection was between Elvis and the scriptures :)

  3. You make paper mache looks so cool and easy! He's awesome!
