Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Weekend Travel Log

Over the weekend I went to CA with my daughters Brooke and Chelsea and their families. We stayed in Pasadena. On Friday, we took the train to 3 different "countries". First, we stopped in "Little Tokyo". Remi bought a silk parasol. Then we went to "Little Mexico". Remi bought a pink guitar.
and our final stop was "Little China". The kids stood in front of some mannequins. They blended in so well that it was hard to tell who was who! The boys mission was to buy stink bombs. That was definitely not my idea!

On Saturday, the real reason for the whole trip, was out adventure to Disneyland during Halloween time. The Haunted Mansion was turned into "The Nightmare before Christmas" and Space Mountain was turned into a scary alien invasion. It was very crowded, but we had a great time.
It was especially fun for our own "Little Princesses". They got to meet all the "real" princesses and were taught how to curtsy, wave and dance. Fun!

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