Friday, February 10, 2012

My Annual Girlfriend Valentine Party 2012

For the past few years, I have a Girlfriend Valentine Party. Each gal brings a Valentine Box, Valentines to give and a treat to share. It is such great fun to see all of the creative things that my "Gal-intines" put together for the party!
This year we had trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for "Best Valentine Box", "Best Valentines" and "Best Valentine Attire". Each year we change it up a bit...
I only got photos of about a third of my fabulous friends as I am always too busy jabbering away. I am so sorry to have left some people out of these pages, but if they will email or post their photos on facebook, I will make some more! I hope that you have a wonderful Valentines Day. XOXOXOXOXOXOX

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