Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Birthday Party for Ava today!

Today we had a "Tea Party" for Ava's 3rd birthday. She invited her sister and two friends. I decorated. I had a blast getting ready for her party. It was so much fun turning our family room into a little cottage wrapped in lace and flowers...
I made this little "Birthday Fairy" of Ava. I just printed a photo of her in her Christmas dress in black and white and glued it onto chipboard and then black cardstock. I cut her out, glued her onto a Ball jar lid and glued on the embellishments. I was in heaven. I then placed her on a cake platter and topped it with a glass lid. It looks darling!
I set the kids table from their play room with china, got out my vintage hat and glove collection. The girls played with their Barbies and then we had a "Photo Shoot". While they ate lunch I printed the photos in black and white onto white cardstock and later they colored in the flowers and whatever they wanted with colored pencils.
After the girls all went home, I played with the photos a little more with Photoshop. Life can't get any better than this!!!!!!


  1. That looks like such a dream!!

  2. It was an idyllic day ! The room was PERFECT the girls played quite well together and LOVED getting their pic's taken . I must shout to the Blogosphere about how grateful I am to have a Mom who so willingly shares of her talents, time,and love and it could not have been lovlier! A bonus was Auntie Devz who helped me by holdin the baby,playin Barbies and pourin tea-I mean Lemonade --Devz is a wonderful Auntie and a Bestee Sister! Thankyou Mommy Fabulous!!!

  3. Such a fun idea! You are one FUN grandma! Thanks for stopping by our blog. I hope you are enjoying your new home and ward!

  4. Happy Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!
    What a fabulous party you threw, I am sure she will treasure this party for years to come!
    ~Cerri xoxo

  5. This time you've out-fabuloused yourself! I would have died to have a party like that as a little girl.

    And can I just say that the resemblance of Ava to Brooke is indeed a bit eerie?

    Happy B-day Aves!

  6. wow! what an amazing birthday party... i'll be 26 in july - maybe i can hire you to plan my elaborate tea party in nyc?

  7. that looks like such a wonderful party! i wish i had been there instead of helping my bro in law move... it was so boring! mom- you did an amazing job!

  8. Wow, that looks so amazing! I needed you to do Elena's birthday party for me. :) You are so talented, I love everything you do! Your girls are sure lucky to have you!!!

  9. Seriously ... we're talking magazine fodder here. It doesn't hurt that all those girls are so very photogenic.

    It also doesn't hurt that you have so much dang talent.

  10. Oh my goodness, you really are quite fabulous! :) Every little girl needs a party like that. It's way better than Hannah Montana or whatever kids are into these days.

  11. oh my goodness! when my little guy turned three we went to d-land & called it a day. i might have to have you plan the next gathering!
