Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Before I forget....

Two weeks ago, Grandpa Fabulous and I took three of our grandchildren to see their cousin EMMA in the play "The Hobbit". Emma played as DORI, one of the 13 Dwarfs who along with Bilbo Baggins "steal" back treasure that was taken from the Dwarfs by a dragon.
During intermission, Grandpa bought some raffle tickets to try to win a basket of toys along with raising $ for the theater group. It's funny that whenever I have won something, I have always had the feeling that I was going to win. And this time as we were waiting for the drawing, I thought to myself that I had better get my camera out because we just might win...AND WE DID!!!!! Remi, Xander and Nash got to take home a huge basket of games for their family to play together with. What fun! By the way, EMMA was FABULOUS in the play. She is one of those girls with an energetic personalitie and mesmerizing smile that you just are drawn to. We'll probably see her on Broadway, (or in the Olympics swimming. She Amazing!!!!)


  1. i wish i had gotten to see her play too! i'm really excited for Carma to be big enough to go on trips with her grandparents fabulous! love you!

  2. I think my kids have it sooo goood! Mom - will you be my Glamma?

  3. You know ... I only knew one of my grandmothers and she was a bit cranky.

    So ... it's only fair if you are MY Glamma.

  4. Yeah for Emma! and yay for awesome glamma and glampa!!
