Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Firstborn Grandson's 8th Birthday Weekend...

When Xander and his Mom discussed his upcoming 8th Birthday and what kind of party he wanted to have, He said that he just wanted to spend the day with his cousin Blue.
He had a list a mile long of things to do. Xander is a party planner at heart and always hates to see the day end. The great thing was that Xander wanted to do the things on his list with ME! So He and Blue spent Friday night last week with us. That night we saw the movie "Spiderwick" and walked across the street, had dinner at a restaurant that was turning into a bar and dance club in 20 minutes, that kind of freaked me out. And then of course, we had ICE CREAM. Saturday we went to the Titanic Exhibit. Xander already knew so much about the whole story and many things about the boat and the iceberg. He had also asked me to find some sites on the computer so that He could research it some more before we left.

His next choice was the Masterpiece Replayed exhibit at the Phoenix Art Museum. It was an amazing show with Cezanne, Corot, Degas, Delacroix, and Xander's favorite Henri Matisse. Xander also had already known several facts about these artists, their mediums and styles. The three of us listened to headphones about the artists. At the boys request, we listened and studied the art to ALL of the optional information on the tapes. Needless to say, the museum staff were amazed at the attention span and interest that my grandsons had about the art. I wanted to shout for JOY! My dreams coming true and feeling a little like "Auntie Mame". I can't wait till I can take them traveling!!!

Saturday night, the boys wanted to take a bath in my "sweet tub". Grandpa Fabulous called me in to take this picture. The boys are too grown up to have "a girl" help them anymore.
Sunday, Xander and Blue went to church with us. I LOVE showing my grandchildren off! Especially when they are sooooo handsome.
Sunday evening everyone came over to celebrate Xanders birthday with good food and plenty of presents. Life is Sweet...


  1. Sounds like an awesome weekend!!!

  2. (THANK,S!) For the fun weekend. THAT ICE CREAM WAS GROSS!LIKE DU! Ohyeah i liked the every thing. THANKS GLAMA AND GLAMPA!(ha,ha)

  3. That's looks like so much fun! I can't believe he's already 8! It's freaking me out!!!

  4. Fun weekend; holy cow how did that kid get to be so cultured? Isn't it great having the cousins in town; we love it too!
