Friday, September 18, 2009

"Cloudy with a Chance of Meat Balls"

Today was my Glamson blue's 9th birthday party. His mom Hilari, made darling invitations using an image from the movie that opened today in Phoenix. First, we all gathered at the Jacksons for a spaghetti and meat balls dinner. Then we had this FABULOUS spaghetti and meat balls cake that Chelsea made. YUM!
Above is the cake made with piped "spaghetti" buttermilk icing. Chelsea made these Oreo cookie balls for the meat balls and then poured grape jelly over the top for spaghetti sauce. Isn't the cake amazing?!!!
My son-in-law Jason got the best husband award for making 100 meat balls for the dinner.
and here are all my Fabulous Glamchildren with a few of Blue's friends from church outside the movie theater. (This was the best shot that I got.) The kids were great and well behaved. And the movie was Hilarious! It had a lot of grown up humor and the script was quick. I give the movie 4 1/2 stars!
Happy Birthday Blue. Your Glamparents love you very much and we are so proud of how you conduct yourself and how you treat the people around you. You are FABULOUS (in a masculine way of course...)


  1. what a cake-what cute kids-sounds like so much fun! og

  2. you have no idea how sad i was that i missed it!

  3. Thanks to your review, we may go see it now.

  4. What a fun theme! I just love Chelsea's cakes. She should sell them, if she doesn't already! I love posts like this so I can get ideas for my own kids b-days :)

  5. Hey Kelley! I featured you on my blog again today... Thanks! you rock!
