Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Shoes!!!

Well, you know how it is: shopping can be sometimes fun or frustrating. Yesterday it was FABULOUS! After my doctor appointment and waiting for my car's oil change, I thought I would visit a few of my old favorites in my old side of town. My first stop: Nordstroms Rack. I got these wonderful Naughty Monkey shoes for $29. I looked up the designer on the Internet and now this brand is my new favorite! I love, love, love them, and they are comfortable too! (not to mention that the price was a quarter of what they are selling them for online.)
Then, I took some of my better cast off clothes that my girls wouldn't be caught dead in to A Second Look. It has been two years since I have traded clothes there and they still had a $86 check waiting for me! I got these never used Etienne Aigner boot/shoes for $8.95!

And I could not pass these Wild Rose tweed boots up (also never used) for $12.95! I think they might look great with this blouse and blazer below. The teals are slightly off but with jeans or a skirt in between I think it might work. I will of course have to consult with my fashionita daughters for a go ahead.

Now back to real life and cleaning the kitchen... but thanks for letting me brag-share!


  1. It occurred to me recently that maybe you don't know the true identity of Cooey's Mom. I'm Marla, Jason's second (and favorite) sister. I like your blog for two reasons, first, you post more pictures of the Jackson boys than Hilari does lately and two, your creativity is amazing!

    Anyhoo, the Naughty Monkeys are adorable! Can I have them when you're tired of them?

  2. LOVE need to let me in 'your inner circle' of shopping.

  3. She's BACK! and I am so happy! mom

  4. I am already a longtime Naughty Monkey fan. Well, of the designs, that is. Not the most comfortable shoes on earth, but whatever. I'm so jealous of all your great finds.
