Monday, April 18, 2011

Painting, painting, painting....

A week or so ago, my oldest glamson Xander wanted to spend a couple of nights during his spring break and all he wanted to do was paint. (Ahhhh, can you hear heaven's chorus of angels singing while I rejoice?!!!) So He painted a lovely scene with Rapunzel's castle, a waterfall and green mountains for his cousin Daisy. While Xander worked on his painting, I worked on this one. A client/friend wanted a portrait of her children by the pool. The perspective I used is very popular and on trend at this time, and I think it is very cool, because even though the children's heads are not in the picture plain, you still get a feeling of their personalities from each child's stance and position. Several of my friends who saw the red primed canvas were not sure about my color choice, I explained to them that I like to "prime" the canvas with the contrasting color of the general color pallet of the scene that I plan to paint. This made them quite nervous!
Here is how the painting ended out. It is 48" by 48". Very Big!!!
(My daughter Brooke has babysitted that little dog and had brought him over for family dinner once and when my glamchildren saw the painting they knew who that dog was at once!)


  1. Wonderful! Have any time for some Barry family artwork? xoxo

  2. SO AWESOME! I love it. I wish I could paint. What a talent you have.

  3. It turned out...well....FABULOUS. :)
