Friday, September 2, 2011

Catch Up.

I can not believe it has been since April that I last posted! Easter, End of School happenings for my Glamchildren, Moving 3 of my daughters into new houses, vacations, camping on the beach and attending the most awesome book club ever on Coronado Island in CA. were slipped in between working at the AZ Art Alliance Gallery and getting a painting done here and there. The daunting task of going through all of my photo folders makes me tired already, so I will just go ahead and put a big letter L for Loser on my forehead and move on.

I will however, post the one time we got all of the glamkids together (missing 2) one day at the beach. More posts definitely ahead, I've got some fun things in the works! (If you are reading this, thanks for not giving up on me.) ((Oh, and new post on my Art blog too!)) (((AND, if you go to the AZ Art Alliance website, there is a coupon for 25% off items in the gift shop that has an image with my jewelry on it. Wha-Hoo!)))


  1. I cannot believe you have moved 3 daughters!! That deserves a medal in itself.

  2. Finally !!! It's seems like forever since I have seen you.

    (That is actually not true, and I am actually quite thrilled about that.)

