So our church is having "A Night in Bethlehem" family party where there will be "shops" that feature all things in the time when Christ was born. (Glampa Fabulous and I will be running a pottery shop where everyone can roll some clay and inscribe their names in Hebrew and make ornaments for their trees at home.) And of course there will be a nativity scene and a musical program about the birth of Jesus Christ. Above are some of the costumes I have made for me, Glampa and the Glamchildren.

And here is a pile of costumes waiting to be sewn...

I went to
Home Fabrics and Rugs when they had their $1 sale this last Tuesday and bought over 120 yards of fabric!!! I was able to cut out 83 outfits consisting of a tunic, long vest and a belt. I needed 27 outfits for just my family and the rest went to friends. (I do have a few "outfits" pictured above if any of you want one ((already cut out, but you have to sew them))...first come, first served.)

I researched costume patterns and put together these instructions that I thought I'd pass on to you. The first sheet contains a simple tunic and vest guidelines that you measure to the people in your family. Below are a few non-sewing ideas that I found.

On Christmas Eve, we have the glamkids dress up and Glampa reads from Luke about the Savior's birth. This year I'll have these "fancy" costumes, but it is just as meaningful to just read the story without the costumes as a family. It is also fun to tell the kids to go put together outfits and props from around the house. It's cute to see a child wrapped in a sheet or towel and caring a perfume bottle as one of the three kings, or pinning a paper tail and ears on to be a donkey... Hope these instructions can be of use to you!

I almost forgot, above are a few "head hole" ideas. Just remember to cut small, then cut the opening larger if you need to. (mistake made, lesson learned already.)