Sunday, May 30, 2010
May Catch Up.
It seemed like every day in May we had some family event to go to. My nephew got married, and here is Daisy. She sneaked into the cupcakes for the wedding. Luckily I got there before she helped herself to any more...
Xander was the "MC" for their school's choir concert, so he requested that his mom make him a bright pink tie so that he could be in character better. Like the darling boy that he is, the girls all love him. And look how dutiful he is, making sure that his Glamma gets a good picture of him!
Cruz graduated from pre/Pre-school. I went on a school field trip the same day, so I didn't get a photo of him. He sure loves "Chino Banditos" asian/mexican food!
I set up the Jumpy Jump in the house for a week. The little ones thought that was a blast.
Daisy and Carma ran and jumped in that thing till they were exhausted. (our plan worked.)
Here is Blue right before his school choir concert. My poor glamchildren sure do put up with a lot of photo sessions. What good sports they are.
Slade is my "Funny Guy, Comedian and Clown" He loves to crack me up with his "funny faces". His brain is always thinking up newer and more clever ways to make me laugh.
Ava graduated from Pre-School. She is the sweetest thing!
Conway and Daisy thought it was great fun to take baths together in the kitchen sink. (I think it is the best place the them to get cleaned up while they are still in the kitchen.)
One night Chelsea came over and made these "Samore" cupcakes. They were to die for!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Crafting Away!
Contrary to popular belief, I do not spend ALL my time at the computer. I also sit at the sewing machine. Yesterday I made these cute little bloomers for my friend Sarah (actually She is my daughter's friend first, mine second. I keep "knocking on wood" to the fact that these younger gals still invite me to stuff...) Anyway, I made the hair bow to clip onto the headband and the leg warmers are out of knee socks. My daughter Chelsea has been making a ton of them for the new little babies who keep peeking around lately. She showed me how. (just cut the foot off and sew in elastic)
And while my daughter Devan was here the last couple weeks, she and Kelli have been going WILD stenciling onesies and t-shirts with freezer paper. (Just google "freezer paper stencils" and numerous tutorials will come up. That's what we did.)
Fabulous Fun Stuff to Make,
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Meet "Barry and the Cheese"!
Meet "Barry and the Cheese". I am proud to sponsor this delightfully funny team as they make their comeback to YouTube and in Print ads! Tune in to see hilarious antics and wild slapstick that will tickle your funny bones.
"Barry and the Cheese" can be seen about town wearing their signature round glasses and hats. Sometimes at special events, they will dawn comfortable polyester suits and fashionable slacks.

Vintage Stuff
More Ads.
Kilee looks stunning but kept accidentally rubbing off her lipstick. Thank heavens it was Liquid Liptone!
I wish I could stock my kitchen with Porcelain on Steel Enameledware!

Vintage Stuff
More Ads!
Beautiful and Mysterious Melanie looks radiant in Royalty Red lip color by Dorothy Gray...
I have to brag a bit on these little numbers. I copied, then cropped the jewelry and placed them on the lovely sophisticated women: Kelli, Melanie and Mary. How's that for detail!

Girls Just Want to Have FUN!
A girl is NEVER too old to play dress-up... (feathers were a'flyin)
I thought Mary was a natural and just needed a beauty spot. Isn't she just Glam?!

Vintage Stuff
Monday, May 24, 2010
Vintage Ads Gone Bad!
So I started playing around with more vintage ads and inserting our "girlfriend photo shoot" pictures. Here are a few...(I am waiting for permission for more that I hope to share soooon!)
Below is sweet Stephanie. She could sell Dove soap any day!
and darling Sarah really doesn't need much makeup in real life, but doesn't she look fab?
With the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other, Stephanie can't decide which "Can-Can" petticoat to wear. OK, more than one at once!
Lindsey's hair looked a mess before she used a "Bliss" treatment. Now her golden locks look like spun gold!
There is no one better to ask for advice than Jen. She's a wealth of knowledge, and can surely tell you what toilet paper is the best.... and what color will suit your bathroom AND bottom!
Again, there is no stronger woman than our girl Steph. Need a jar opened?, a hem mended?, or the light bulb changed?, She'll do it with a smile on her face!
I guess I should go wash the dishes and pay some attention to my husband and get off of this computer. It was a BLAST putting these together. More (hopefully) to come!
Below is sweet Stephanie. She could sell Dove soap any day!

Vintage Stuff
Friday, May 21, 2010
Photo Shoot
Last night "The Gals" got together at my house and we did a photo shoot. I'm still working on the originals, but here is a glimpse of my daughter Kelli. I thought she looked like she came out of an add in the early 50's.
Below is the original shot....

Monday, May 10, 2010
I bought this children's kitchen sink at Savers a few of weeks ago and I finally got around to fixing it up today. I decoupaged the backboard with scrapbook paper and sewed the little retro curtains and repainted the cupboard door white.
I want to make a really fabulous play set for the glamchildren someday for the "playhouse" that will "someday" be built in our backyard. But until then, I got one of the cardboard boxes that we used to move with, glued baby food bottles on the bottom for legs then painted that all red, then I cut a splash board out of more cardboard, spray painted it all white and glued two large can lids (painted silver) on the top for burners. I used two washers and a knob I found in my stash for finishing touches. (look, you can store all the play dishes in the box!...I'm a genius!) ha-ha

An Outfit for Carma
I bought this little purple top for Carma on clearance for $2. I cut the top in half, added the pink band and pocket, then made a casing for the elastic at the bottom.
This is Carma "posing" in her new outfit for me.
When I measured Carma's cute little body last week, I wrote all my measurements on a notepad sheet. I realized that I wanted a more efficient way to record all my glamchildren's measurements and sewing projects. So I drew a front and back of a "unisex" child's body, scanned it and put together this chart to keep in a three ring binder. (below you can see my scribbled notes next to the charts I made.)

Then I thought it would be fun to have a design page...

and a "journal" page to place a photograph of the finished garment.
And then I remembered all the cute little bootie patterns I have, so I thought it would be nice to have a page to record the kids hand and foot outlines.
I think it will be fun in 10 years to look back at the sewing projects I have made, and maybe my future great grandchildren will laugh at the "out of date" or "retro" fabric I am using today. If you think you can use these project sheets, please enjoy. Otherwise, you can join the rest of my family in thinking I went a little tooo far...again. Oh well, I enjoyed myself. Happy Sewing!

Fabulous Fun Stuff to Make,
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