Tuesday, June 29, 2010
A Baby for Conway.
Conway loves babies and we thought that He might need his own baby to take care of when Baby Phoebe comes home from the hospital. So last night I bought this baby and stroller set from Big Lots.
I cut the fabric seat off and used it as a pattern to make a more "masculine" looking stroller for Conway to push around. I'm glad we saved all the scraps from our decorating projects around here.
I covered the wheel stops with fabric and painted the pink flower accents with glossy black acrylic. I also made a new outfit for the baby doll with Devan's felt supply.
And par for the course, I accidentally got black paint on the baby's head in two places. I could not scrub it off with all the cleansers in the world, it just sunk right into the rubber head. Oh well...
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Glamchild #13 was born in the first minutes of this Sunday morning while making a memorable entrance by getting stuck in the birth canal. This little girl fought long and hard (so did her mother) and finally arrived via c-section. I hear about wonderful home births, but sure am glad that we were in the hospital, as our new Baby Phoebe might not have made it. Thank you Heavenly Father for answered prayers, thoughtful and informed nurses, intuitive midwives and skilled surgeons.
Phoebe Lynn Gardner was born at 12:20am, is 21 inches long and weighed in at 7 lbs, 13 oz's. So Congratulations to niece Erynn Krahn for guessing closest to the time Phoebe was born and to myself and daughter Kelli (we tied) for guessing closest to her birth weight. Look at Phoebe's poor little cone-head minutes after being born.
The Children's Parade in Provo
We went to down town Provo to watch the Children's Parade Saturday morning. There were hundreds of kids all dressed in their patriotic finery. The parade had that "old time, small town" feel that I really only experienced before at the movies. Devan and Preston have two more years at school here, so you KNOW I am already planning costumes and a family vacation here next year!
This is the usual shot I get of Conway. He hears that camera turn on and all he wants is to get a hold of it. I can't tell you how many photos I have of him in just this pose. He sure is cute though, isn't he? (He tripped over his own two legs in as awesome dance move, and fell face down on the industrial carpet in Devo's apartment. Major rug burn on his darling little nose.)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Revived Nursery and Cruz's 4th Birthday
When I was in Utah, I also made some bedding to go with Conway's since both babies will be in the same room in Devan and Preston's apartment. We bought some fabric at Ikea and foam core from the $1 store and made the fun "art" above the cribs. I also covered foam core with left over zebra fabric (I made a bunch of folds for the ties with clips and we used pins to tack the other ties to the board) for all of Conway's ties that he wears to church. I then covered another foam core "canvas" and glued black elastic to it to store Phoebe's hair clips. Devan covered three paper towel rolls with fabric to hold the headbands that she is making.
Back in Arizona on Saturday, we all went to see Toy Story 3 for Cruz's 4th Birthday party. We then went to my mom's who has a nice "mostly shallow" pool that is wonderful for all the family to swim in. Pizza and Birthday cake made by my very talented daughter Chelsea topped of the day. Cruz received all Toy Story presents. He said it was his best birthday ever!
And as of an hour ago, I found out that my daughter Devan is progressing rapidly in her pregnancy, and I am off to Utah again to help welcome our newest Glamchild Phoebe into the world. (more FUN news, my daughter Kelli just now called from her doctor appointment to announce that our 14th glamchild due in November is a GIRL. It seemed like yesterday that I was forever changing diapers, making countless matching dresses, and trying to raise my own little girls. Today, I am doing it all over again, but it is way more FUN!!!!!!

Fabulous Fun Stuff to Make,
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
While I was in Utah...
While I was in Utah for 2 weeks "babysitting" my daughter Devan and playing with my glamson Conway, I was put to work. We did projects!!! Here is a sampling.
Conway was getting into everything on the TV consoles shelves, so we looked for boxes to fit in the shelves. That turned out either impossible to fit or just way too expensive. So I bought a pack of storage boxes and cut them down to size and Devan and I glued wrapping paper onto them. Conway got into them the first day, but tired of trying to take off the box's lids, so now he has forgotten about them. Success!
Devan need more storage for toys, I got these two bookshelves at Walmart for $15 each. I again cut a couple of office supply storage boxes to fit and used cereal boxes and whatever cardboard boxes we could find and covered them with fabric. Don't they look fun?
When Chelsea was visiting Devan, she started to recover this rocker that Devan paid $20 on e-bay for. I did the finishing touches and also found this little chair and recovered it. Conway loves sitting in it!
One day when Devan came home from an appointment she announced that there was a sofa out in the grass by the garbage. I went down to see it, got a helper to lug it up to her second story apartment with me and we bought some foam and fabric and put together this fabulous vintage setting. FUN!!!

Fabulous Fun Stuff to Make,
Vintage Stuff
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