For the truffles, I painted styro foam balls brown and drizzled the fabric paint on top and glittered. I did the same thing for the chocolate dipped strawberries, but poured the paint on and let them dry on a plastic disposable plate so that they would peal off better.
I used lager styro foam balls and used the same process above to make the cupcakes. I put Spackle in the bottom of the cupcake foil cups and let it harden first so that it would be level. I also iced some cupcakes with Spackle, but they are on another centerpiece that I show you tomorrow.
It was fun, took some time, but worth it as I can use these objects for other holidays or parties and in still life groupings...
these treats are even more delicious in real life. if only i had a fraction of your creativity... ok, maybe i have 1/999 of it. that is actually alot when it comes to being compared to you.
It looks amazing!!! I love it!!!!
hilari i think you have something brown on your nose..maybe you should go check it out.
and mom i do love the kitchen decor and i'm not just saying that to get a better christmas gift like some of my siblings.
I am seeing a best-selling diet book with this approach.
With my attraction to sweets, however, I'd probably just eat the fake ones ('cause they do look so delicious) and they'd have more calories than the real thing.
MMMmmmm It looks sooo good and cute ! thanks for the blessing pics by the way and for helpin Nash with his poster!I dont know what Id do without you!
MMMmmmm It looks sooo good and cute ! thanks for the blessing pics by the way and for helpin Nash with his poster!I dont know what Id do without you!
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