Once again, Mr. Fabulous had no words when he came home from work last night. It is not unusual for him to come home to a newly wallpapered or painted room, rearranged
furniture or a "new" piece of
furniture painted and upholstered that he saw the day before in the garbage on the corner. He's a good sport and of the few things that bug me about him, the fact that these types of "
normality" at our house don't seem to faze him make me love him all the more. I'm sure that a large part of that wonderful
characteristic is
because He was raised by a mother who did basically the same thing. (Although Grandma Great DID have dinner ready for Grandpa Great) ((AND as Grandma Great is such a good cook, I could never measure up, so there you go....)) .
And here is Mr. Fabulous's robot costume still unfinished but in some stages of the development. Yeah!!!!
Hi Kelly my name is Julie, my Hubby works with Dusty down in the Copa! Just had to comment on what a fun blog you have.
WOW mom!!!! it all looks INTERSPECTACULAR
p.s. you make a mean bean burro.
WOWZERS!!!! That is AWESOME!!! I love it! I am still trying to figure out whta to wear!!!
well i'm definately not winning best costume!... there will be a prize for the "creapiest" costume again, right? i wonder if that guy will come to one of our party's again
One of you should totally borrow this awesome silver beaded jacket/shirt thing I had to wear once when I was a bridesmaid. It's this fancy expensive silver fabric with beads.... Seriously strange bridesmaid outfit... But perfect for an intergalactic gathering. If anyone is in Mesa... seriously, someone should borrow it. Or maybe I'll just show up wearing it. :)
Kelley, your costumes and decorations are awesome. Devan is sure to have an amazing party.
You DO have a very understanding husband. Heard the story of how he went to Wal-Mart at midnight on a silver-tape run. Gotta love it.
We love you guys. Let's just say you are out of this world.
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