This week I have been sewing like a wild woman. When I set up my
machine, I try to get a lot of projects done, as even though I have a "sewing room", there is really no room to sew in it. It is really a quest room where I store all my sewing stuff. I still sew in the kitchen like I used to at the other house. Anyway, I have wanted to line my basket to hold
treasures found at Swap Meets for a long time, and now was the time to do it!

I used left over material from the bedding I made for our quest room. The cover is from a remnant from the curtains I made out of these wonderful
tablecloths that I got for 90% off last year at Bed,Bath and Beyond. The table cloths where 120" long and the fabric is really nice. They worked out perfectly.

I used more tablecloth remnant to make this pocket to hold a memo pad and pencils, my notebook of measurements of my home's windows, rooms,etc. and of course the ever
useful tape measure when I am on the hunt. Boy, I never would have imagined how useful the math skills that I learned in school would be in all the artsy/
crafty things that you do in life. Yeah for math and remnants!!!
Darn it! I missed the giveaway! I tried to add you to my Google Reader, but it said 'no feed available'. I'll just have to remember to check more faithfully so I don't miss any more good stuff!
Oh, and I hope you had a VERY happy birthday!!!!! :)
Super cute and I love the new blog look! :)
Love the cart, Love the New Look, Love YOU!!!!
mom check out my blog brookealamode i even put up pics( yes Im very fancy!)
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