Today, I've been straighting out my art studio and thought I'd show you this wonderful chair. I bought it for $20. It was stained but the upholstery was otherwise in good condition.

So I spray painted it with a satin black paint.

I did have to vacuum off a lot of little fussies and the fabric is just a tad harder to the touch, but I love the lines of this chair and it works great in my studio! Yeah for spray paint!
That is a great chair ! Spray Paint Hallowed be thy name.....
So cool. I'd never think of spray painting the fabric. Thanks for the great idea...you're just full of them.
i wouldn't think spray paint would work either but i have sat on this chair and you would never think that it had been spray painted. hooray for a mom who's brain is unlike any other. in all good ways, btw.
You can paint fabric? I had no idea! It looks better than new! My husband has used black spray paint on ceiling fans and bathroom vanities in this house and they have turned out great; love that stuff!
Who knew you could spray paint fabric? And it looks great! You're pretty amazing. My mom & sisters & I were just talking about you a few days ago! :)
You sprayed the fabric too? I would be so paranoid the paint would come off on someone's pants. Did you use a special kind of spray paint? Can you tell I'm blown away by this? iIt looks amazing!
Could I spray paint my kids stained clothes? haha JK.
YOU are totally clever!
AND your grandboys were fun to have in primary today too!
I haven't read blogs in awhile, I'm glad I had some good reading :) Keep the great ideas coming :)
wow, i had no idea you could paint the fabric like that! very cool chair.
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