Mr. Fabulous and I just got back from vacationing in the beautiful
Tuscan valley in Italy. A highlight was an opportunity to ride in a hot air balloon over the rolling hills and
vineyards. There was only one available space left and I got to go! (thank you Dennis, you are always so generous...) Mr. Fab. did get a thrill to be able to help set up the balloon!

Here I am in the red hat, it was HOT on your head! I didn't think I would be scared, but about 5 stories from the ground I got a little frightened, but then I got used to it and had a wonderful time.

Below is the
Tuscan valley. Even Dennis was awed at the magnificent landscape all around us. We stayed in the small town of
Pienza and visited many other towns full of amazing
architecture that was centuries old. And the art was out of this world!!!!!!!!!!!

We tried out hand at a self portrait and this was the best it got. FUN!!!!!

Now back to regular life.... (sigh)
You were truly missed while you were gone , but I am sooo glad you got to have this much needed vacay together! Im glad you got to chow on some gelato !We are all happy you are back!
Oh, that DOES sound fabulous. Rico and I have the ambition to someday rent a villa and spend a whole summer in Italy. He will spend the days eating cheese and I will see the sights and kiss the locals on their cheeks! I love the pictures.
I have been waiting anxiously to hear about Italy. Dennis is our new home teacher and I didn't get a lot of info from him. I knew if I wanted details, I needed to get them from you. Can't wait to hear more and glad you two were able to escape together.
ohhhhh man i love my parents sooo much! I too am happy you two love birds got to get away..but... i really missed you and your were only gone a week. I will be useless if we have to move away!
I am so very jealous! It looks wonderful (as do YOU) and I would love to swap stories (after we get back from our Northwest adventure) and see all the pictures.
And the Italian inspired crafts of course.
Looks Fab!! I am glad you are back safe! I love you!
you look great, and i love that shot of you two lovebirds. (even if i could envision him whispering something to make you mad while he took it.)
hooray for my jet setting parents. i can only hope to follow in your footsteps in beauty and travel.
I completely forgot to ask you about your trip when I was over today. It must have been the fact that I was overwhelmed by all the craftiness.
Now this is living!
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