Well, for a long time now, my family has complained about my comfortable, all I wear when I am home- "house dress". I have looked at every store trying to find more fashionable
attire to
strut my stuff in and everything is made for 80 year old grandmothers. (I did find a
leopard print caftan, but it's too hot for the summer). ANYWAY, I got to thinking..."SCRUBS"!!!! I would not have to even change to go to the store
because people would think that I was just coming home from work AND that I was probably SMART! So two of my daughters bought me some Scrubs for Mother's Day. I can't wait to try them out!
Now all I need are some white tennis shoes!
Better yet, white clogs!
That is funny. My sister wore these for her job and know one knew she was pregnant. Maybe I should try it too. Besides they are comfy!
I TOTALLY had that exact same idea last week!!! All of it, comfort, smart, cute patterns, bright colors. I just haven't followed through yet.
... and a medical degree ... but who is really looking. I'm sure you can fake it if someone starts to choke at the grocery store.
This is actually a very good/comfortable idea. Where does one purchase some scrubs.
I love my scrubs!! you can have some of mine!! But from a nurses prospective I always wonder are they coming or going to work. And if they are coming from work what germs are on them! hehe
Even people that work in a vet's office wear scrubs. If someone starts to choke in the grocery store you can just say you work for a vet and don't know anything about people anatomy.
And could you please tell your lovely firstborn to update her blog already?!!!
Only YOU could pull off donning scrubs and make them look good. I wore scrubs for years and couldn't wait for the day to rid myself of them....I've moved on to maternity clothes...now THATS comfort!!!
while visiting a relative in a secured environment, I noticed that everyone, doctors, nurses and patients alike wore scrubs. In fact, I, unknowingly, helped a patient escape as he walked close to me as we worked our way out of each locked portal. I should have noticed that no one else was sporting dredlocks and walking barefoot....
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