Today my daughter Brooke did a taping for "The Next Food Network Star" show. She was on her A-game yesterday and had all the other contestants laughing. She got a call back for today and had to bring a dish and demonstrate a cooking skill. I can't tell you how proud I am of her. Not only is She a
fabulous cook, but she has this great personality. She is kind and is always thinking of others. We made posters and the "Food Network" people taped all of us cheering Brooke on. Here we are waiting for Brooke in the lobby of the hotel.

Brooke now has to make a tape demonstrating 5 recipes. Then it will be up to the casting people. So who knows, if it is in the stars, my daughter could be "The Next Food Network Star"!
That is awesome!!! I love that show!
Oh my gosh! Way to go Brooke!! The judges can be SO mean on that show, but I'm sure Brooke could handle anything! You'll have to let us know when she's on the air!
THAT'S SO EXCITING!!! Brooke would be just PERFECT on TV!!!!
Brooke would be fabulous on that show! How fun!
oh my, she would be SO great on that show!
Go Brookee!!!
Thanks to everyone for the kind words and to my ridunckulously awesome fam for being sooo supportive and awesome! Mom you are a photoshop wizard and I am sooo grateful for your encouragement, example and love!!! Thanks to everyone who came - who knows what will happen but it was fun to try!
I've been following this story via Chicago and now to see it in print ... I'm speechless!
Of course they were all laughing, of course they were impressed.
Of course she will win!
I love you Brooke! and you look gorgeous in your premier photo...sending good vibes your way, not that you need them with all your awesomeness!
Kelley ... I'm not IN Chicago yet (no dubbettes ready to debut quite yet) ... I just get my news across the country and back again.
Because this is like, national news.
SOOO amazing.
Amazing! I hope she makes it.
I've heard about this through several different people but am so happy to finally read a first-hand report. I simply can't imagine her not being chosen. Go Brooke!
That's awesome! - Go Brooke! (and I don't even know her - just you - but it's all in the family, right?) :)
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