Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Spend the Nights at Glamma's.
It's the girls turn to spend the night the last couple of days. Yesterday, we went to see "Romona and Beezus". I already watch Daisy on Mondays and Fridays, so I had four little girls in tow. We stopped at Circle K for treats and headed for the theater. After going potty, (a must for these kids, or I'd have to pull all of them out together to go even if only one girl needed to once the movie starts, and that's quite a production!) Anyway, we had the pick of the theater seats as we were the first ones in. That's when I realized that we were 50 minutes early. I had switched the times and theaters that I was looking at in the paper in the morning. I thought about loading them all up into the car and thought again, because the thought of buckling the two little one into those car seats once more, I felt panicked. So I decided to wait it out. I let the girls dance to the music playing until other people started coming in. The girls were very good throughout the movie, but again in my "un-smartness" I let the kids pick what ever candy they wanted at the convenience store and they all chose gooey, sticky stuff and I used up all of my new purse size baby wipes in minutes. Good Times... then off to McDonald's for a "nutritious" lunch and girl/type/screaming in the play area and swimming when we got home. The girls were all sleeping in a comatose state when it was time for dinner, so I woke them up and they felt like they had a whole nights worth of sleep and didn't go to sleep till waaaay later. (Sounds like I didn't have a very good time, I did and I promise that my blog will not turn into a "venting" arena too often.) Bla-Bla-Bla... Today, the girls played with some air dry clay. Remi made crowns and matching rings,
while Ava made a ring holder and a couple of rings to wear.
Sloan played a little with the clay and the next time I looked, she had a plate of chips that she made for herself.

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