The next day, we went all around the city and as we neared Central Park, we saw a lot of police and this car on it's side with a gun shot right in the front window. I was a little freaked (and excited) and then we found they had just finished filming a movie!
Hilari and I took a day and visited 30 Rock and toured the NBC building. That was fun seeing where Saturday Night Live and some other shows were taped...
And we couldn't resit taking a picture with the Naked Cowboy. (I guess there are a few Naked Cowboys, like Santa... He can't be everywhere at once, so his helpers fill in)

We saw "Mary Poppins". We got some cheap seats at the last minute and we were on the top most balcony. The play was wonderful. At the end, Mary Poppins flew over the floor audience. We couldn't see her and I was a little bummed, but then her head peeked up over our balcony and she was about 12 feet away and smiled right at us as she flew up into the ceiling/sky!
Hilari and I were walking to the train station to visit our friends that we had met on a cruise 2 years ago, and we saw fire engines, and a huge blow-up mattress. We looked up and there was a man on top of the building ready to jump! Then we found out it was another movie being filmed. We waited a while to watch him jump, but it was taking too long so we'll have to see it at the movie next year.
We visited Ground Zero. Paul is an architect, so it was so interesting hearing him describe what was going on. I have a photo of myself and three girlfriends from the top of one of the twin towers from my first trip to New York about 20 years ago. It was surreal to think that this is where those buildings once stood and how 9/11 changed everything.
I took this picture looking out of the window at Ground Zero. Look at the shadows of buildings on the glass in front of the other buildings outside. Cool!
Our last day was cloudy and colder. The skyscrapers blended into the heavens.
I can see how people love living in New York. If I could cart my whole family with me, I'd live there for a season and then move on to another wonderful part of the country and so on. But, it looks like it's an Arizona life for me which isn't so bad from October to June!
New York is so on my list. It is a people watcher's heaven especially with all the stimulus going on 24/7!!
How Fun!!!
It WAS fabulous ... as was all the food. The company, however, was the best part of all.
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