The day before Thanksgiving, We all went to see "The Muppet Movie" and all of my fabulous glamchildren were able to come. You would think that they would be used to having to group together for a photo or two, but it is like pulling teeth sometimes to get them to stand still for a minute. (the good thing is that they are always so excited to be together that it is mayhem... a good mayhem.) Anyway, this is the best shot that I got. Love those glambabies of mine!!!!

Last night the girls talked me into standing in line for two hours before midnight at the mall to get a free "midnight madness survival kit" which was a complete bust except for the free leopard print nail file and the coupon for a free cookie at Paradise Bakery. As I returned to our group once in the mall after a brief "powdering of my nose", I found them here... in the middle of the mall with hundreds of people watching them from both floors as they performed their dance skills. It was hilarious and horrifying at the same time. I videoed them (along with a bunch of other onlookers) and heard people all around me talking about the great entertainment that the mall was providing for them. Needless to say, the next few hours in the mall were not one of anonymity.)

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and I hope that you did too. Now, it's time to pack up the fall decorations and get out the Christmas ones. (didn't I just do that last month?) "Someone needs to stretch out these Holidays a little more....
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